
Welcome to our blog! We are excited to share pictures, stories and videos about our nature programs to you. Stay tuned for posts for all of our summer camp locations

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Maple Magic! Poems and Pictures

The first ever Maple Tree Clubs culminated last week with pancake and maple syrup feasts; quite the sweet conclusion.  This is what the maple scientists (ages 6-9) had to say about their adopted maple trees:

Green as the
Grass, Brown
as my hair
Light as a
Cloud, nice as
a deer, but
the thing
I love is
a secret

written by "Beauty Bird"

I love you so much
I could kiss you!

 written by "White Dove"

For yummy maple
syrup so golden
you must first get
a tree
Mine is friendly
as a tree can be
The tree is very
nice and it has no mice on a
windy day it's
branch may snap
But anyway
anywhere I love
my tree in the

written by "Diving Falcon"

My tree is good
my tree is nice
with sap to make
maple syrup.
Ants crawl
all over the tree
and that is why it's good
you see

 written by "Diving Dolphin"

Thank you tree
Thank you tree
Thank you so much
for the delicious
syrup I slurp upon
my spoon this is soo
good it makes me

 written by  "Ninja Snake"

We love our adopted tree!
Mr. Mike evaporating the sap
Miss Marissa showing off the boiled down sap
The Maple Scientists Exploring the Forest
After tapping their adopted trees
After writing their tree poems, scientists warm up by the stove
Drip, drip, drip!

Playing forest games

Exploring a decomposing log

Writing tree poems

We rock!

The final day, enjoying pancakes with syrup and listening to poems
Saplings checking out their sap bucket with Mr. Mike

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