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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Whittemore Camper Starts Dinosaur Journal!

The Dinosaur Canoe Adventures  
                                                ( summer part)
By Thomas C Larsen
This is how it started…we made a canoe.  We took a big log that had been laying around for a while.  Then we got some coal and put it in the middle of the log.  Then we lit it on fire.  If there is no wind, you have to blow on it to make it go, but don’t blow too much otherwise you’ll set the whole log on fire.  We let the coal burn maybe one hour and fifteen minutes.

Then you need a shovel to scrape out the ashes.  Then you need to do the same things again in the same place to make the hole deeper.  Put a dinosaur (plastic or something like that) in the hole you made with the coal.

Then find a medium size pond and take the canoe to it and put it in the water and push it off.  By the way this is a small size canoe not a big canoe.  A person cannot fit on it, it would sink.  If you want to get it back you need a stick or something to get it back.

Now for the adventure part!    We put the canoe in the pond, Friday, July 1st.   We went back on August 1st and it is still there.  So here is what I think it has been doing. 

It has been floating around the pond.  There is something that squirts water in the pond that makes it move around the pond.  The dinosaur has probably hit the shore a few times. 

I think the dinosaur got out of the canoe and got some food.  He got a lot of leaves maybe up to a million and packed it in his canoe.  Then he set off for Dinosaur Island.  It took him twelve days to get to Dinosaur Island!  When he got off, he was chased by meat eaters.  He realized while he was running he was on the wrong side of the island!  He ran around the meat eater side of the island twice all the while being chased.  Then he had an idea!  He could jump on the meat eater’s backs and heads.  Then he got back to his canoe and escaped.  He rode to the other side of the island.  Now he was on the right side of the island.  Whew!The End!  
The Launch July 1st, 2011

Leaving behind a trail of mud

Heading towards Dino Island...

August 1st, 2011. The canoe is still floating around! We NEVER touched it. The first canoe is in the back behind the fountain and the new canoe we launched July 29th is in the front

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